"Here's A Checklist Of The Things You Should 'NEVER' Do!"
If you're missing your ex-boyfriend or man and you TRULY want to get him back, then read this Web page carefully. Below is a LIST of some of the things you should NEVER do if you want to have ANY chance of getting him back!
Let's get straight into it.
- Don't try and contact his social circle. Doing so is really tacky and in most cases will work against you. His social circle includes his friends, co-workers, family, and acquaintances.
- Don't contact your ex.
- Never date your ex-boyfriend's co-workers, friends, or family.
- Don't keep walking down memory lane and thinking about the past, as hard as that may be.
- Don't think about what your ex is doing. I know it might be hard, but you need to avoid thinking about him for your own sake.
- Don't think about who your ex is with. This will only do damage to yourself and possibly drive you crazy.
- Never call your ex to tell him about your new boyfriend. It looks like you're trying too hard.
- Don't tell the world your ex is a jerk.
- Don't try to win your ex with cards, love letters, poetry, or presents.
- Never ever threaten your ex. This will REALLY put him off you.
- Do NOT speak of suicide. If you feel you are at that stage, you should stop reading my book or tips and call a help line in your area immediately. I'm not kidding!
- Don't be vindictive about the split.
- Stop getting all worked up, as your emotions are not your ex's concern.
- Don't let your emotions get the better of you. Remember that emotions are illogical, and being logical is intelligent.
- And MOST IMPORTANT, don't chase after, beg, or try to trick your ex into coming back to you.
This following subject is simply not up for debate! If you INSIST on pushing the boundaries with your ex-boyfriend or former man, he'll only 'resent' you more so much so that you'll probably never have an opportunity for the least contact with him in the future! This is what reverse physiology is all about. People ALWAYS want the things they can't have. This applies to relationships too.
The more you keep trying to push yourself onto your ex, the more unattractive you will become in his eyes. Haggling and manipulation don't work. Your ex is a person, not an object, so it is impossible for you to buy back his love. No amount of begging, manipulation, or any other technique will EVER get him back, and that includes selling your own dignity.
BUT..... There are ways to re-program his MIND so he'll see you as THE ONE for him! If you learn how a man's MIND TICKS, you can usually make things happen with ease... In my eBook, "How to Get Him Back FAST," I go into all sorts of situations. It doesn't even matter if you haven't spoken to your ex for a while, just KNOWING what to do and how to handle yourself, will make him TAKE NOTICE of you again!
It works because men have been men for thousands of years, and there are SECRETS to how men THINK... And let me tell you that it's VERY different from how WOMEN think! By reading my eBook, "How to Get Him Back FAST" you'll have so many "AH-HA" moments that you'll wonder why you didn't read my eBook years ago, as it would have saved you from MANY heartaches with men.