Why He's Resisting You

Learn Secrets to Get Your Boyfriend Back

"Have You Ever Wondered Why Is He Resisting You?"

Let's get one thing straight here. If you are reading these tips and are saying things like "Oh no, that will never work," then you need to stop and listen right now! Firstly, in regards to your ex-man or boyfriend, if what you are doing were working, you wouldnt even be reading this right now! So I'm going to ask you to STOP what is not working and LISTEN to the voice of reason.

Think about it. If you keep doing what you are doing, you're only going to push your ex further and further away. And if what you are doing is not working, why do you keep doing it? Learn my methods and little-known secrets of human nature, and stop sticking to your old methods, methods that are probably pushing him away from you.

And what methods you are using? ANYTHING YOU CAN, right? Promising to change, emotional manipulation, pleading, begging, sex, threats, trying to please him, helplessness, guilt, despair, reassurance, repeating "I love you" over and over again, arguing, reasoning, blaming, hopelessness, and even arguing, thesejust arn't going to cut it!

So what do all the above "methods" do? I'll tell you: They make your ex naturally RESIST YOU. The more you keep pushing yourself onto him, the more he is going to resist, period! Plus you might come across as a hopeless nut case. This is simply because humans have two reactions to uncomfortable situations. One is to stay and fight, and the other is to run away. The only way to STOP him from running away from you is for you to stop chasing him. It's quite simple when you look at it like that, isn't it?

When you stop chasing him, he will start to feel 'safe' around you again because you have eliminated the cause of the resistance that he originally associated with you. Now he will no longer want to run from you because he no longer associates his negative feelings of fear, grief, anxiety, pain, and even depression with you. He has stopped running. No longer needing to hide, he lets down his defenses. With no more feelings telling him he needs to resist you, he can start to RETURN TO YOU and feel totally safe doing so.

So STOP whatever it is that you are doing to get him back, and let him go. I mean it, LET HIM GO (or at least make it LOOK LIKE you are letting him go), and you might be pleasantly surprised!

Men can be so predictable when you KNOW how they truly work and are programmed, That's what my eBook, "How to Get Him Back FAST" explains in detail to you: how to push his EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS so you will have him doing exactly what you want, not by FORCE but from his own DESIRE. It's not black magic or brain washing. It's just truly understanding how your ex THINKS.