Being young and in the limelight is not the easiest experience, and it becomes even more difficult when you are trying to juggle a healthy relationship at the same time. Over the past year or so, a number of young stars, all of whom have massive fan bases have gone through some particularly high profile splits. In this post I want to cover some of the more famous of them.
Let's start with Disney Channel star Selena Gomez and 'talented' Canadian Artist Justin Bieber. This split happened sometime in early 2012, and I think the last time a 'will they/won't they get back together relationship' was as gripping as this was when Ross and Rachel dominated our screens. Sources close to the couple (as always) indicated that the main reason behind the split was the immaturity of Justin Bieber. In fact, this went way beyond sources when Selena Gomez came out with the classic line 'Toxic Teenager'. It goes to show that if you are immature in a relationship, then you can kiss it goodbye! In the past couple of weeks it seems as though Justin Bieber matured up though, and the pair got back together. Was a particularly turbulent time for them for a while though!
Perhaps one of the most gripping of the 'splits' in the past year is that of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, star of the Twilight series of movies. This whole ordeal started with an affair that Kristen Stewart had with her director Robert Sanders. They did try and reconcile their differences, but as expected, after an affair it is very difficult to rekindle a relationship! A source said “But Rob decided he needs to be single for a while and to get his head sorted. He basically needed some ‘him’ time.”. Basically this means if you are a victim of cheating then you should give it a while before you try and rekindle the relationship, it is never going to be the same.
Miley Cyrus is another Disney Channel star who has been going through a breakup over the past couple of months, if reports are to be believed. Just a few months ago she got engaged to Liam Hemsworth, star of the Hunger Games. Sadly though, he was caught cheating. However, the couple are refusing to call it quits. The relationship is pretty much a rollercoaster right now, but the couple are not calling off their engagement, they are taking time apart. This is fantastic because it allows them to reflect on the problem.
As for Taylor Swift, well, it seems as though she has had more people in the last year than you can shake a stick at. Of course, none of them were her fault and she has yet to give a quote. Expect to hear about it on her latest album though!
As you can see, being in the limelight is very difficult for celebrities, especially when they need to maintain a healthy relationship at the same time. However, each of these breakups were down to seemingly normal problems. You can learn from them. Now, who said that celebrity gossip wasn't educational?