Of course "acting" as if he is gone from your life and that you've already moved on is sometimes easier said than done. It will take some will power on your part! If you truly want him back and you are feeling hurt then I want you to understand that being strong now is going to give you a 'far greater' CHANCE of getting him back fast.
You Should 'ACT' As If He Is Gone From Your Life And You've Already Moved On
So let us set in motion the procedure of "moving on" and accomplishing the following two major feats:
Step 1
You will allow yourself to become a STRONGER PERSON and a more valuable person in his eyes and in YOUR EYES. Remember, the MORE VALUE you get him to place on 'you', the more he is going to 'respect you' when you finally get him back. Having that ADDED RESPECT can mean all the difference in holding onto him or losing him again: don't forget that!
Step 2
By giving him THE IMPRESSION (just acting as if) you have already moved on could create much 'curiosity' in his mind about you and why you're NOT upset and wanting him back. Acting as if you've moved on will lead him to wonder if you are with someone else, back in the dating scene, or simply what you are doing.
By remaining emotionally STRONG, this process could also make YOUR EX start to actually 'regret' breaking up with you in the first place. Plus it could cause him to perhaps question 'why' he originally broke up with you and what he is missing out on!
Stay Strong
Remember, showing that you are 'strong' also means you are NOT to contact him in any way! If he contacts you 'FIRST' that's fine; but, make sure you do not to contact him back - otherwise you will be showing him very clearly that you HAVEN'T MOVED ON! You have to 'act' as if you HAVE moved on - even if you haven't... This is the important tip here...
Furthermore, if he leaves you a message, I suggest you 'TAKE YOUR TIME' to respond: in otherwords, DON'T respond immediately. If you do... this will again PUT HIM in control - not 'you'. You should wait AT LEAST 24 - 48 HOURS, before getting back to him! Be cool about it... Perhaps just send him a text message rather than calling him... The KEY is to be relaxed about his call! If you DO speak with him or text him, make sure to be very polite and act HAPPY... Doing so will give him the impression that you've actually MOVED ON!
Now if you like the tip above you are going to LOVE the 'secrets' I reveal on how to get your ex-man back in my eBook "How To Get Him Back FAST" I know that having the man you 'Truly Adore' is what you want! That's WHY I wrote the eBook that can give you all the Techniques on how to swing him back your way... Not only that, in "How To Get Him Back FAST" I give you ways to hang on to him, for as LONG as you want, even forever if you choose! The secret is learning how to become the person in the relationship that CONTROLS the relationship... And that is EXACTLY what I show you in my eBook...