"Is Compatibility Important Or Do 'Opposites' Really Attract?"
Answering the above question is EASIER than you may think! I won't keep you in suspense; I'll answer this important question and then I'll explain it in more detail for you...
Basically, 'Opposites' definitely DO attract; but, I can't, for the life of me, ever remember hearing, reading, or seeing two COMPLETELY OPPOSITE people staying together for a lasting relationship. It just doesn't happen, and if it does it's extremely rare!
Ok, here's the thing... I'm sure you may very well be ATTRACTED to the sweet, bad boy smile and cheeky grin, but to have a long lasting relationship - well, there's so much more to it than that, right? Women have ALWAYS been attracted to the 'bad boy' and 'masculine' image and always will be until the end of time no doubt; it's just the way things are. BUT, in order for you to have a long lasting and happy relationship you are going to need more than just physical attraction. I'm sure you will agree with me on this one!
What I'm about to say here is WHERE most women go wrong; they try and CHANGE THEIR MAN. This is just not going to work - not in a million years. He is always going to want to do HIS thing and be HIMSELF. Think about it for a minute, would you like it if your man was trying to CHANGE YOU into someone you truly are not or did not want to be? I didn't think so.
If you are venturing down this path then you are doomed for disaster, much heartache and rejection by your man.
The point is, like anything else in life, you will be attracted to the good looks, cheeky smile, and stunning body for a while... BUT, just like most things in life - you will soon 'lose interest' and become attracted to another man with a better body and an even cuter smile. Remember there will ALWAYS be another hot-looking guy but, rarely will they be the ONE who will make you truly happy in all areas; and that is most important isn't it?
You must realise that the cute smile and masculine physique that once attracted you will all wear off; and soon, the things that drew you to him are now gone or are no longer that important to you. Now where are you left now?
Because this is YOU we are talking about here, I'm going to be firm and say that physical attraction is NOT and should NEVER be the only grounds for a relationship. I'm not saying that you should date a man where you are not attracted to his physical appearance, definitely not. However what I am saying is to really 'know' what you want and look for those qualities in a man. In order to do this you must first know yourself and what it is that you want in a man.
[box type="alert" style="rounded"]Personally, I can tell you that COMPATIBILITY is always going to be the REAL thing to look for! Opposites can attract, YES, but normally won't last! Being Compatible will always stand the test of time; it will also make you BOTH much happier. One of the reasons I'm discussing this with you right now is to have you look at YOUR EX in a different way. Ask yourself the following question: Are the two of you TRULY COMPATIBLE together?... If you both ARE, then you should definitely work on getting him back! One of the main topics I discuss in my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" is to make sure you learn how to 'set' the ground rules properly...[/box]The reason is simple! What's the use of getting your man back if it's GOING TO FAIL AGAIN?! When you learn the 'SECRETS' I teach in my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" you'll not only find out how to get him crawling back to you, but you'll ALSO learn how to make your relationship STRONGER with him and have him wanting you always...