"Don't Always Defend Yourself... Rather 'LISTEN' To Him"
Here's some food for thought that I want you to understand! You should always remember that you cannot endorse or SELL YOURSELF and build a loving relationship at the same time. What I mean by this is that you should AVOID arguing or disagreeing with him as much as you can...
When you are in communication (that is, conversation) with your ex, you should not enter into a disagreement or argument with him. Try to understand WHY he feels the way he does, and agree with him. It doesn't matter if his words are good, bad, or even sound harsh. Words are not usually pulled from a hat; they are pulled from the heart.
So simply listening to what he has to say, and don't try to justify anything or disagree with him at all. The KEY is to try to understand 'WHY' he is saying what he is saying.
You can stop the conflict and his pulling away and minimize the distance you have between him and you when you STOP trying to defend yourself all the time. What I mean is, stop listening for the bad stuff and listen for the good stuff. Start listening with the honest intention of hearing his 'fears' and reasons behind his speech. Really listen to him!
Look at it from HIS side of the fence and agree with him. You will no doubt have different views and points and more than likely want to disagree, but now is not the time or the place, especially IF you are both apart because he doesn't want to be with you at the moment.
I know this may be a little difficult, especially if you are the type of girl who always wants the LAST SAY, but hang in there and be smart. Your time will come. By not being impatient and using your head instead of your heart it is going to be so much more effective when you just LISTEN and not arugue or disagree with him constantly!
It's an interesting topic, don't you agree? For lasting relationships, there's NO DOUBT that 'Communication' is the real secret to a loving and fulfilling time with the one you love! But it can be hard when you have been in a pattern of arguing or disagreeing all the time, so you need to STEP back a bit and take a look at your conversations with your ex and decide to improve things.
AGREEING with him, even if deep down you don't can have have a great effects on a subconscious level like you wouldn't believe.
In my eBook, "How to Get Him Back FAST," I discuss the art of communicating with MEN so that you'll become more attractive subconsciously to your ex and to men in general. It's actually quite powerful to know these SECRETS, as they'll help you ever AFTER you get your ex back! This will ultimately lead to your keeping 'him' as YOURS and no-one else's!
If you are longing to get your ex back and want a FAST and EASY way to make him WANT YOU BACK, then you're in luck because my eBook, "How to Get Him Back FAST," will shortcut your pain and heartache and teach you the "Insider Techniques" to making him come back to you and, more important, desiring you always!