Dear friend,
If you ever wanted to know the secrets to getting your boyfriend back and keeping him right where you want him then this article could be the most important you will ever read.
Now let me make sure I am talking to the right person first...you have either:
- Just broken up with your boyfriend because he has "dumped you"
- Or you know and feel he is planning to tell you it is all over and it could be very soon.
The thing is you just want to know what to do so he doesn't dump you or if he already has, you just want to know how to get him back and get him back fast.
You want him back
Ok let's get to the point here...you just want him back or to prevent the break up from happening in the first place. Well there are some really important things you should know if you are thinking along these lines and they are:
Firstly if you are planning to stop a break up or you want to win him back you really need to change something in the relationship for it to be successful or you will simply have the very same problem again in the very near future. There is no point in delaying the inevitable. Let me explain what I mean...If you keep doing the very same things in your relationship that led to the situation you are in now or you start giving him a whole lot more attention, affection and sex then guess what...you are going to get dumped and dumped BIG TIME!
Now here's the thing...a man will NOT break up with you for no apparent reason. There will always be an underlining reason even if he isn't sure of the reason himself. It will be something that dwells deep down in his subconscious where his natural male instincts are guiding him. If he was extremely attracted to you in the beginning but lately for some unknown reason (that you don't understand) he just seemed to lose interest in you then you must understand your problem is not a difficult one to fix.