"Why 'VALUE' Is Worth Working Hard For & Why It's So Important In Your Relationship"
This is another very important 'topic and by using this special little secret you can have such a HIGH VALUE placed on yourself in his eyes that you'll feel very comfortable in knowing he will NEVER ever consider breaking up with you again. By using what you will learn (in part) from this free tip you could instill such and important value on yourself in his eyes that he could be 'WANTING' TO DO THINGS FOR YOU every day - just to get his praise from you... and more importantly he'll WANT to do things for you as aposed to looking at them as CHORES!
Let me explain...
Have you ever had to work really hard to achieve something? It doesn't matter what it was but it was important to you. Once you achieved it did you look at it as just another little thing or did you put a high value on it because you worked so hard to achieve it? This is the same with 'relationships'...let me prove it to you. If he gets things from you EASILY then what sort of 'value' do you think he is going to place on you? Things like your LOVE, AFFECTION, SEX and PRAISE.
[quote style="boxed" float="right"]Here's how it works and how you are going to get the best out of your relationship from him when you get him back in your arms again![/quote]The more he has to INVEST into you, the more he is instinctively going to VALUE YOU and look at you as a special prize he had to work hard for! He will then instinctively WANT to do things for you and go out of his way to make you happy. Now remember from our last tip you must reward him for his efforts when he is a good guy. No...I don't mean you have to have sex with him. What I do mean is that you can reward him with your love and affection...show him how thankful you are, tell him how he has done a wonderful job and that you really appreciate and love him for it.
Here is an example:
If he has constantly been washing the dishes for the past few days (and it is something he usually wouldn't do or like to do) you should tell him how much you love it when he does this and how you really feel wonderful that he CARE ENOUGH to do that for you. He will naturally feel compelled to keep doing it as his instinct is to be praised again and again from you. Are you starting to see how this whole thing works?
In my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" I go into how to actually RE-PROGRAM Your Ex man so that you're the one in control not him.. Not in a 'manipulative' way but it a 'SMART' and 'sub-consious' way.... In the eBook: "How To Get him Back FAST" I also go into different sitations like when maybe you run into his friends...
I'll teach you HOW to handle yourself so that he'll be asking himself, "what's going on with her, Why is she so confident and happy". This will drive him NUTS to the point where IF he hasn't even called you for a while, he'll be on the phone in no time! Calling YOU, not you calling him...