Here's the thing; the more you show him you've moved on in your life, the more he is 'instinctively' (via his MALE characteristics) going to want you back!
When he sees you are getting along in your life without him and without it being an issue in your life his male 'mind' will trigger an ATTRACTION towards you again it's just the way men work! And it's the very same 'attraction' that drove him to you in the first place. It is now your job to prove you can still display the very same magnetism you originally did.
The Harder He Works To 'HAVE And KEEP You' - The More He Will Value You
You see, at this point you start to have the UPPER HAND. Providing you DON'T allow him to have what he wants immediately (whatever it might be) then you will not only retain CONTROL of the situation, but you will also gain much more SELF-WORTH in his eyes as well...
Keep Some Space
It's important at this time (while you are APART) that you don't allow him BACK into your life too quickly: and you definitely DON'T want to allow him to get what he wants out of you too easily as well! Remember to stand your ground. After all you don't want things to end up like they did when YOUR EX broke up with you, so let's do it - the RIGHT WAY this time!
Now if for what ever reason he is STILL not making the first move, you will need to stay focused and CONTINUE to go about your day as normal... The 'secret' here is to keep yourself VERY BUSY! The more time you have ALONE the more times he will most likely enter your mind... So if you keep yourself BUSY then time will pass FASTER making it easier for you to play this game of getting him to want you again!
In my eBook "How To Get him Back FAST" I reveal tips on what you can do if he is ALREADY DATING again.... And remember, just because he might be DATING doesn't mean he's committed no matter how attractive the other women might be! In my eBook I also go into numerour situations that can really put you in the driving seat! After you've read: "How To Get Him Back FAST" you'll feel totally empowered knowing you have the information that can really hit his 'Emotional Hot Buttons'...