"Good Behavior & Bad Behavior When Should You Really Reward Him?"
It is VITAL to reward him ONLY at the right time...actually this is SO IMPORTANT because if you reward him at the wrong time - you will be doing EXACTLY the same thing every other woman does that leads to their man to break up with them!
Let me give you an example:
When he goes out with the boys a bit too often and neglects you or doesn't clean up after himself or leaves the chores to you, what do you typically do? More often than not you get UPSET! And you might even try and get his attention by doing nice things for him like showing affection and heaps of loving right?
Hold on a minute...if he is being a 'bad boy' WHY would you reward him?... that will NEVER work!
Now perhaps you are reading this and saying to yourself, you DON'T do that... but think about this for a moment. How many times have you been totally frustrated because he is out with the boys again (or something similar) yet when he comes home you snuggle up to him, give him heaps of affection, show him love, do things for him and perhaps even reward him with sex? If he's getting all this wonderful treatment for hanging out with the boys and NEGLECTING YOU - then why would he want to break the pattern and miss out on all the good stuff? He won't!
[highlight]Just like a naughty little boy, he also needs to be punished when he is bad... and only rewarded when he is good. The same sets of PRINCIPLES have worked throughout time so why would they be any different now?[/highlight]
Remember to ONLY reward him when he is good (NOT when he is bad) and you could find him being a good little boy more and more!
It might sounds SO BASIC at times, but when you STEP BACK and take a look at how you 'ACT', it can be so clear as to what you might be doing wrong! It might have even led to him breaking up with you just because it's 'easy' for him to walk all over you... In my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" one of the key techniques I reveal to you is HOW you can be the one in control of your relationships with your ex and MEN in general...
Knowing how to HANDLE each sitation, from what you 'say' to what you 'do', can mean the difference between if you lose him forever, or him actually BEGGING YOU to take him back...