"You Need To Learn To Show 'LESS INTEREST' In Situations... This Can Help Regain Control Of The Relationship With Him"
Think about the above statement for a moment... If your ex asked you to meet with him, do a special favor for him or asked you to come back and PICK UP your relationship from where you left off with him, would you?
Do you feel it all depends on his decision? If this is the case and THE TRUTH within your relationship with him, then HE is in no doubt the one 'in control' of the situation, not you. In order to get him back you actually have to TAKE CONTROL BACK, but you need to do it in a way where it seems that HE'S actually the one making the decisions himself...
The way to become in control of situations (whatever they might be) is to be the person that comes across as the one that doesn't care as much about the situation as the other might!
The thing is that the (person who cares the least ) or (APPEARS to care the least) - will always have 'control' of the situation. So to gain control of getting your Ex-Man back, you need to start learning how to CARE the least... This is not to say you actually DO care less, but if you give the perception that you care less than he does, it can give you a HUGE advantage in steraring him - to wanting you back!
Even though you DO care (and at the moment probably more than he does) you have to APPEAR in his eyes that you DON'T care as much as he does about the situation. Also because he's the one who broke up with you - he will be wondering WHY you don't seem to care. This can be extremely irritating for your ex and will make him want to call you and to possibly meet up with you at some point....
If he DOES call you, you may choose to show a little (very little) amount of interest. By showing a little 'interest' AND... then a little 'disinterest' you will be sending your ex 'mixed signals' in which will drive him mad!
In my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" I go into some really great strategies you can use (in relation to the idea on seeming less interested)... It will make him start getting interested in you again and it works like a charm! Not only will you have the guy you TRULY WANT back in your life again, but by reading the power techniques I share in "How To Get Him Back FAST", you'll have him back as yours, even more than before! When you learn what I show you in my book about turning the table and you being the one in control of the relationship with him, you'll quickly learn how power it will be on all men, including your ex!
Remember, learning how to regain control of the relationship with him - is a vital KEY to making him super attracted to you again...