The Jealousy Issue
"What Should You Do If He Plays Silly 'Jealousy' Games?"
You've probably had this happen to you at some point... It's a common problem with many women having to fight for their man 'consistently' when he is simply being a ridiculous flirt and acting like a child. And he even has the hide to flirt right in front of you, as if you're not even there... how disrespectful! It's frustrating I know but this time things are going to be different! It's time for his nonsense to stop once and for all.
Here's what you are going to do... You are going to confront him! You are going to do it respectfully and NOT INFRONT of anyone - where he could be embarrassed. When you confront him you are going to say something like:
"Tim, you know what? one of your great qualities I like about you so is that you don't play silly jealousy games like all the other men. But recently, it appears as though you HAVE BEEN and I have to be honest... I expected more from you."
At this point his typical reaction is to 'deny it' completely or tell you it was definitely not his 'intention'. At which point you will simply lean over and kiss him on the cheek and say "ok then."
Can you see THE POWER this will have over him the next time he even THINKS about flirting and disrespecting you?
You must remember throughout any stage of this issue, you should never GET ANGRY or have aggression towards him. Otherwise you'll push him away and give him EXCUSES to leave you again - ever after you have managed to him back to you! You should also remember to never 'show' you're SAD, UPSET, or DEPRESSED (even if you are) as all these 'signs' are extremely unattractive to a man and can push him further and further away from you.
At this point you're starting to realise that MEN are programmed very differently to woman... Knowing the SECRETS to how men 'think' can give you the REAL EDGE over getting the man you love and adore back into you arm and KEEPING HIM THERE! That's why in my eBook: "How To Get Him Back FAST" I explain how to handle all kinds of 'sitations' related to getting your EX back fast!
If you want the tehniques that will give you the best shot of getting your man back and him loving you like he should, then don't wait too long as there is a 'WINDOW of Opportunity' you should not let escape! This 'Window Of Opportunity' is TIME...