"You Need To Stop Him BEFORE He Becomes 'Disinterested' In You..."
Knowing when a break up is about to happen is not to difficult to predict! There are 'warning signs' in just about every relationship! Nipping things in the butt before they happen would be a VERY WISE move, but you might not know what to look out for.
Here's some of the SIGNS you should look out for:
- Does he still look at you like he did before (with loving eyes)?
- Does he still show you affection (This is really an important one)?
- Is he starting 'fights' with you over seemingly little things?
- If you notice any of the above things happening within your relationship, then you shouldn't just ignore it! Because if you DON'T change something you are going to head down the road of a break up again, even if you DO manage to get him back!
If he starts an argument over (what MOST) people would think is nothing - it could just be him using this 'argument' as an EXCUSE to break up with you!
Ok, so what should you do if he says he wants to break up?
You should agree with him and his decision! You're probably thinking to yourself....."Are you crazy?" Yes that's right! You should tell him that you agree with him and that he should break up with you. Now this can be really frightening stuff BUT... if you know he is going to break up with you yet you stay calm and keep your 'integrity' then you will always hold a very high position of you.
Don't cry and act upset (even if you are) just tell him 'CALMLY' that you think he's right! Tell him that you think he is a really nice guy...and that he makes you smile but perhaps you BOTH need a break, if that is what his heart is telling him.
This could completely throw him and put you in a totally different realm within his 'mind'. You see by handling things this way you WON'T show 'dependency' as 'dependency' can be a very unattractive trait in any woman.
The reason WHY on this page I disussed the TOPIC of stopping him BEFORE a break up is so that when you get your ex back, you'll know EXACTLY how to avoid him possibly breaking up with you again! In my eBook: "How To Get him Back FAST" I reveal to you the many ways that 'MEN' look at things.... And explain even how differently they are programmed to how women are! By knowing these 'SECRETS' within my eBook you'll be in a dominate position... In otherwords, YOU'LL be the one - knowing how to handle each sitation so it works in your favor every time!