Codependency & Why It Can Be A Problem...
One of the most common reasons people find themselves in a break up in the first place is because they were TOO DEPENDANT on the other person! If this is you, you may have come across too clingy, needy or emotionally over bearing for your man. If your ex partner is interested in you despite these behaviors, in anyway, he will show it, even if it's in a very simple gestures.
However, if you try to cure the problem and are forever chasing him down for his attention, love and affection, you may just end up pushing him away for good.
For ANY relationship to work, everyone involved should be self-dependant. If you find yourself relying on your ex to provide you with EVERYTHING from dinner to your happiness, you may have actually been the 'cause' of the break up.
Codependency can SCARE any man away from you to the point where he'll feel that he never wants to see you again. You must understand that this didn't happen because your ex didn't love you: he was probably overwhelmed by the pressure to keep you happy. You may have been smothering him.
If you think (and normally deep down inside you will know) that you have a codependency problem, you really should get some help. This does NOT mean that you're'crazy or something. It simply means that you might need to seek guidance to help you work out where your issues are so you don't have future breakups.
As soon as you're able to do that, you're going to feel so much better about yourself and any future relationships you have. It really doesn't matter if you end up back in the arms of your ex who you're probably missing so much right now or a new man that sweeps your heart away, this small step can make a complete difference in the overall quality of the way you feel and, from a relationship point of view, can literally change your life.